Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development 2024-10-19T18:59:33+01:00 Dr. Kolo Abdulwahab Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development (JASD)</strong> is domiciled in the Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria. The Journal with <strong>ISSN (Print): 2651-6144</strong> and <strong>ISSN (Online): 2651-6365</strong> is a peer-reviewed, quarterly open access journal that is aimed at providing rapid publication of learned articles in all areas of Agriculture and other related disciplines which can be accessed online and hard copy.</p> EFFECT OF RABBIT MANURE AND ROW ARRANGEMENT ON CROP YIELD UNDER FINGER MILLET AND GROUNDNUT INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS IN A SEMI-ARID NIGERIA 2024-10-19T17:11:57+01:00 Ibrahim, H. Mohammed, I. B. Shittu, E. A. <p>Field trials were conducted at the Research and Training farm of the Centre for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University Kano (Latitude 11<sup>º </sup>58' N and Longitude 8<sup>º</sup>26' E and 475 m above sea level) and at community-based demonstration farm, Dawakin Kudu (Latitude 11<sup>º </sup>84 N and Longitude 8<sup>º </sup>59” E) Kano State, Nigeria during the 2019 rainy season, to investigate the effects of rabbit manure (RM) and row arrangement (RA) on finger millet and groundnut intercropping system. The treatments consisted of six row arrangements (1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 2:2, 2:4, and alternate stand) and four levels of rabbit manure (0, 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 t ha<sup>-1</sup>) and one level of NPK fertilizer. The treatments were laid out in a split-plot design, with row arrangement (RA) occupying the main plot and rabbit manure (RM) occupying the sub plot, which were replicated three times. Findings revealed that Rabbit manure application significantly (P &lt; 0.05) affected most finger millet and groundnut yield parameters, except for row arrangement which had minimal impact. The optimal rate of rabbit manure application depended on the specific parameter, location, and crop. For finger millet, application of RM increased spike weight, panicle weight, 1000-grain weight, and total grain yield at Dawakin Kudu but only affected spike weight at BUK. For groundnut, RM application increased the number of pods per plant, mean pod weight, and 100-kernel weight at Dawakin Kudu, while only affecting the number of pods per plant at BUK. Intercropping was generally more productive than sole cropping, with the most productive combinations varying by location. Therefore, it could be recommended for farmers in the Sudan savanna to consider the possible adoption of the application of rabbit manure at a rate of 2.5–3.5 t ha<sup>-1</sup> to increase finger millet and groundnut yields.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development EFFECTS OF POLICY FACTORS ON TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF IRRIGATED RICE PRODUCTION UNDER DIFFERENT LAND ADMINISTRATION INSTITUTIONS DADIN KOWA IRRIGATION SCHEME, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T18:18:08+01:00 Zaman, E.Y. Sani, R. M. Ochi, J. E. Danwanka, H. A. Ayoola, G. B. Ayoola, J. B. <p>The study was conducted to determine the effects of policy factors of land administration on the technical efficiency of irrigated rice production in the Dadin Kowa Irrigation Scheme (DKIS) area. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Three hundred and twenty irrigated rice farmers were selected using multi-stage sampling technique drawn from five land administration institutions in the DKIS area. Descriptive statistics, stochastic frontier, and multiple regression models were used to analyze the data. The technical efficiency (TE) analysis revealed that for the sample, farm size (P&lt;0.01), fertilizers (P&lt;0.05), herbicides (P&lt;0.05), and pesticides (P&lt;0.01) were all significant and negative while labour was positive (P&lt;0.01). The inefficiency model for TE revealed that for the sample, four variables education, household size, access to improved seeds, and distance to market were each statistically significant at 5% probability level and negative (except for education which was positive). The effects of five policy factors of land administration (land governance, partnership in land use, socio-economic factors, gender and inclusiveness, institutional and environmental factors) on TE revealed that for the aggregate sample, only land governance (P&lt;0.01) and socio-economic factors (P&lt;0.05) were significant. The study recommended that the five policy factors of land administration should be accorded priority in strategic policy planning and implementation of programme for improving the productivity of irrigated agriculture and the livelihoods of people in the study area.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development FACTORS INFLUENCING ADOPTION OF IMPROVED TOMATO SEED VARIETIES AMONG SMALL-SCALE TOMATO FARMERS IN SOUTH WEST ZONE OF NIGERIA 2024-10-19T18:15:03+01:00 Ogundeji, O. R. Ogunwande, I. O. <p>The study examines factors influencing adoption of improve tomato varieties among small-scale farmers in Southwest Nigeria. Data were collected via structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics, probit regression, and Likert scales. The findings revealed that 41.4% of the farmers were in their productive years with an average age of 45 years, predominantly male (70.0%), married (81.9%), with small households averaging five members. However, 87.5% had formal education and average of eight years of tomato farming experience. The farmers cultivate an average of 0.63 hectares, indicating small-scale operations. Furthermore, 85.6% of the farmers were not part of cooperatives. The result also shows that 80.0% and 65.0% of the farmers lack access to credit and extension services in the study area. Logic regression model reveal 68.39% probability of adoption of improve tomato seed varieties among farmers. Key factors significantly influencing adoption include age, gender, farming experience, education, access to extension services, market distance, input supply, and specific training. Major challenges include high input cost (73.8%), pests and diseases (55.6%), lack of credit (61.9%), marketing issues (28.8%) and unfavorable weather (18.1%). Therefore, recommendations from the study include strengthening extension services, raising awareness of cooperative membership benefits, and addressing farmers' priorities and needs.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND FACTORS LEADING TO DISCONTINUED UTILIZATION OF BIO-FORTIFIED MAIZE IN OYO AND ONDO STATES, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T18:09:55+01:00 Oloruntoba, B. E. Okunlola, J. O. Akinnagbe, O. M. Adetarami, O. <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US">The study assessed the communication strategies and factors leading to the discontinued utilization of bio-fortified maize among selected value-chain actors in Oyo and Ondo States, Nigeria. Information was collected from 320 value chain actors on the sources of information on bio-fortified maize, factors affecting its utilization, and factors leading to its discontinued adoption. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, tables, means, and standard deviations, with hypothesis tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). Results revealed that 34.1% of respondents received information on yellow maize most frequently through extension agents, 33.0% often through friends/relatives, and 35.3% often through family members. Key factors affecting the utilization of yellow maize included the value chain actors’ experiences (mean = 1.70), market availability (mean = 1.66), and economic benefits (mean = 1.54). Additionally, 57.5% of respondents discontinued utilizing yellow maize due to low distribution of seeds by ADP extension agents, 51.9% due to exploitation by middlemen, and 51.0% due to poor market infrastructure. A significant relationship was found between factors affecting utilization and those leading to the discontinuation of yellow maize (r = 0.364, p ≤ 0.01). The study concluded that value chain actors have access to extension services and receive information on yellow maize through multiple sources, including extension agents, friends/relatives, newspapers, drama, and bulletins/handbills. However, challenges such as low seed distribution, middlemen exploitation, and poor market infrastructure persist. It is recommended that extension agents and other stakeholders address these factors to promote the sustained adoption and utilization of bio-fortified maize among value-chain actors.</span></p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development DETERMINATION OF SOME SELECTED PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THREE VARIETIES OF GARLIC (Allium sativum Linn) AT DIFFERENT MOISTURE CONTENTS 2024-10-19T18:05:32+01:00 Dangora N. D. Matori A. S. <p>Some physical properties of three common varieties (in Kano State, Nigeria) of garlic cloves <em>Ex-kofa, Dangin kura and Mai-makulli variety</em> were determined and compared. These properties were obtained at five moisture content levels of 56.72, 42.85, 34.93, 26.48 and 13.68 % d. b. The ranges of the dimensions measured at the stated moisture content levels for <em>Ex-kofa,</em> variety were 25.35-20.56 mm, 13.33-8.16 mm, 16.36 -10.51 mm, for polar diameter, equatorial diameter and thickness respectively. Similarly, the values obtained for <em>Dangin Kura</em> were 22.25-18.41 mm, 9.78-5.85 mm and 11.91-7.21 mm. The values for <em>Mai mukulli</em>, respectively, were 24.46-20.41 mm, 14.25-10.05 mm and 11.16 - 6.64 mm. The Geometric mean diameter, Arithmetic mean diameter and Sphericity ranges were 14.83-10.64 mm, 16.15-12.09 mm and 0.61-0.53 for<em> Ex-kofa</em>, while 14.23-10.49 mm, 15.57-11.89 mm and 0.64-0.53 are for <em>Dangin kura</em> variety. Similarly, for <em>Mai-makulli</em> variety respectively, the values are 15.10-10.47 mm, 13.93-9.68 mm and 0.63-0.52. The Surface area, Cross-sectional Area and Shape Index range was 232.25-129.83 mm<sup>2</sup>, 618.86-348.19 mm<sup>2</sup> and 0.72-0.65 for Ex-kofa. That for <em>Dangin kura </em>were 244.87-125.06 mm<sup>2</sup>, 701.36-335.90 mm<sup>2</sup> and 0.68-0.65. While 233.35-122.80 mm<sup>2</sup>, 617.92-313.33 mm<sup>2 </sup>and 0.71-0.62 were values for <em>Mai-makulli</em> variety respectively. The range for mean values of bulk density, true density and porosity for the garlic cloves were measured as 768.30-350.40 kg/m<sup>3</sup>, 1185-699.30 kg/m<sup>3</sup> and 34.83-49.93 for <em>Ex-kofa </em>variety. While 762.96-352.46 kg/m<sup>3</sup>, 1197.73-757.73 kg/m<sup>3 </sup>and 35.80-49.42 were for <em>Dangin kura</em> variety. Similarly, the ranges of values for<em> Mai-makulli</em> variety were 759.70-353.20 kg/m<sup>3</sup>, 1208.06-692.73 kg/m<sup>3 </sup>and 35.41-49.01 respectively. Results of statistical analysis ANOVA showed that the moisture content had significant effect on all the properties. The variety has significant effect on dimensions and arithmetic mean diameter. From the findings, it reveals that mean values of these properties were found to be higher at higher moisture levels for all the varieties. For porosity, however, the higher values were obtained at lower moisture levels.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development ASSESSMENT OF POVERTY STATUS OF CASSAVA COOPERATIVE FARMERS IN SOUTH-SOUTH, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T17:50:43+01:00 Edike, C. E. Kainga, P. E. <p>The study assessed the poverty status of cassava cooperative farmers in South-South Nigeria, utilizing a multi-stage sampling technique to select 300 members from Delta, Edo, and Akwa Ibom states. The majority of members fall within the 41-60 age range, which accounts for 66% of the total membership. This suggests that middle-aged and older individuals are more likely to participate in cassava cooperatives. There was also a higher representation of female members (58.33%) compared to male members (41.67%). However, majority (75.67%) of the cassava cooperative members were married while 2% were divorced, 10.33% were separated/divorced, and 12% were widowed. Furthermore, majority (51.67%) of the farmers had been in a cooperative for 1-5 years. The result shows that 46.33% of households consist of 1-4 members and most (82%) of the members identify cassava farming as their primary occupation. The relative poverty line was determined based on consumption expenditure, and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index was employed to assess poverty status. The results indicated that over one-third of members lived below the relative poverty line of ₦882.29, although the depth (8.52%) and severity (3.13%) of poverty were relatively low. Based on these findings, the study recommends targeted poverty reduction programs, strengthening cooperative structures, enhancing access to finance, promoting value addition, investing in infrastructure, empowering women and youth, and further research to develop effective poverty alleviation strategies.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF GROUNDNUT PRODUCTION IN KANO STATE, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T17:46:33+01:00 Salisu, Y. Oseni, Y. Luqman, O. Baba, D. <p>The study examined the economic efficiency of groundnut production in Kano State, Nigeria. Using a simple random sampling, two hundred and sixty-seven (267) farmers were selected and interviewed from nine communities, under the three selected LGAs from the study area. Descriptive statistics, DEA, as well as Tobit regression model were used for data analysis. The result of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) reveals that the farmers were operating below the optimum frontier with average Technical Efficient (TE), Allocative Efficiency (AE) and Economic Efficiency (EE) scores was 0.265, 0.371 and 0.098 respectively, with the GM enterprise having a higher mean TE score of (0.7654). All the inefficiency variables met <em>a prior</em> expectation with positive coefficients except age and level of education. This indicates that increase in age and years of schooling have minimal effect in reducing the farmers’ inefficiency in groundnut production. Four out of the eight fitted inefficiency variables were significant at 10%, while three at 5%, but the extension contact was not significant. It was thus concluded that even though groundnut production enterprise is a profitable one, groundnut farmers in the study area were both technical and allocative inefficient. It was therefore recommended that farmers should be encouraged through extension to adopt new available technologies and improved varieties which will help improve both their technical and cost efficiency thereby widen their margin gaps.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development CHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS DEVELOPED ON COASTAL PLAIN SOILS FOR CROP PRODUCTION IN ORON LGA, SOUTH- SOUTH, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T17:24:14+01:00 Iyanam, M. V. Ijah, C. J. Chukwu, G. O. Akpan, U. S. <p>Soils are characterized and classified based on its unique properties. Detailed characterization of four representative areas of Oron coastal plain soils in South –South, Nigeria was carried out. Soil samples were collected from pedogenic horizons of soils in four sampling sites. Routine analysis of soil properties was carried out in the laboratory with standard laboratory procedures. Soil data was subjected to descriptive statistics using statistical analytical system. The soils have a deep well drafted profile of about deep 200 cm. The soil texture varied in areas ranging from loamy sand to sandy loam, sandy and sandy clay loam while bulk density increased down the natural horizons. The pH varied between moderately acidic to strongly acidic in the soils of the study area. The morphology of soils ranged in various colour matrix of hues (10-7.5) and Chroma values (1-8) in all horizons. The soils were characterized by Dark Brown (10YR3/3), Dark Greyish Brown (10YR4/2) and Yellowish Brown (10YR 5/4) to Grey (7.5YR6/2). The soils had low concentrations of exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K). The Coefficient of variation (CV%) values ranged from 0.74 to 91.6 in Ca, Mg, Na and K. All the parameters in the soils of the study area showed low and medium mean values except soils of Esin Ufot1 and 2 which showed high mean values of Na with Esin Ufot 2 having the highest mean value of sodium to be 0.18 Cmol/kg. Suborder soils were classified as Grossarenic Kandiaqualfs (CEC &gt; 16 Cmol/kg) for Esin Ufot1.Esin Ufot2, Esuk Oron1 while Esuk Oron 2 were classified as Typic Kandaquults (CEC &lt; 16 Cmol/kg). A great importance in providing adequate data to enable right decision taking in the choice of site for developmental projects and crop production.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development THROUGH THE LENSES OF ACTOR-NETWORK APPROACH - THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF NIGERIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH OUTREACH CENTRE 2024-10-19T17:19:30+01:00 Afolabi, E. A. Omokore, D. F. Yusuf, H. O. Oladimeji, Y. U. <p>Agriculture’s goal in Nigeria is to provide supportive resources to sustain mankind, environmental resilience against climate change, nation’s economy, irrespective of geographical location or social status with a total land of 911,000 sq. km, and about (80%) is available for various agricultural purposes including arable land, permanent crops, pastures, and irrigated land. However, to achieve the set goal in the past, a series of agricultural information dissemination strategies such as radio, television, and print media were employed to raise adequate revenue for the agricultural sector and increase the food supply in Nigeria via Agricultural Research Outreach Centre in the National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services adopted villages/ schools. The study was premised on a mixed method for counterfactuals to facilitate novelties. Despite all the efforts, these strategies did not yield the desired goal, thus, the digital transformation of the agricultural sector particularly to strengthen the extension system in Nigeria. This manner, demands the integration of the agricultural sector into the digital hub to create synergy among the stakeholders, source requisite agricultural information, and hybridize the means of disseminating agricultural information via participatory learning and action platforms. Also, create a Digital Participatory Learning and Action for Agricultural Extension (Di-PLA4AE). Thus, the paper trail on the concept of AROC, ICTs - Digitization, x-rayed the Actor-Network Approach (ANA) by Callon, its application, and the implications of digitization for agricultural activities to stakeholders and criticism in the context. More so, mirror the implications of the Di-PLA4AE and conclusion.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development FARO-44 RICE PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY OF FADAMA III ADDITIONAL FINANCE II BENEFICIARIES IN TARABA STATE, 2024-10-19T16:20:09+01:00 Banseka, R. F. Murtala, N. Sani, R. M. <p>The study analysed the <em>faro-44</em> rice production efficiency of <em>fadama </em>III additional finance II beneficiaries in Taraba State, Nigeria. A Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 250 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that The result of maximum likelihood estimates of the stochastic frontier production Function of dry season <em>faro-44</em> rice farmers reveal that farm size (P&lt;0.01), fertilizer (P&lt;0.05), quantity of seed (kg) (P&lt;0.01), herbicide (liter) (P&lt;0.05), were positive and significant increasing output of the farmers. Similarly, the age (P&lt;0.01) level of education (P&lt;0.01), farming experience (P&lt;0.05) and household size (P&lt;0.05 were the socio-economic characteristics influencing the increase in technical efficiency of the farmers. Furthermore, the technical efficiency of the farmers is glaringly below 1, an indication that the farmers are operating below their production efficiency frontier. A reasonable proportion (41.20%) of the respondents were within 0.60-0.69 technical efficiency index range with highest value of 0.91 for the most efficient farmers and minimum of 0.50 for the least efficient or worst farmer. Consequently, farmers obtained mean technical efficiency of 0.76 which will improve their technical efficiency by 24%. The result further revealed that, the farmers attained an estimated mean allocative efficiency of 0.88. It was concluded that most of the farmers were unable to obtain technical efficiency level above 76% and farmers were 88% allocative efficient. The study recommended that farmers level of technical efficiency can be increased by 27% by building farmers’ capacity through training, workshops and seminars on postharvest loss management, processing techniques, farm record keeping in order to avoid wastages and sustain efficiency.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development INVESTIGATION OF COMBINED EFFECT OF THREE PLANT POWDERS WITH DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AGAINST CALLOSOBRUCHUS MACULATUS 2024-10-19T17:08:02+01:00 Fayemiro, S. S. Fayemiro, S. S. <p>The study was conducted to investigate the combined effects of various plant powders and Silico-sec, a diatomaceous earth, on Callosobruchus maculatus at the research laboratory of the Department of Crop Pest and Soil Management, the Federal University of Technology, Akure. The study included three replications. The treatments consisted of three (3) plant materials derived from the dry flower buds of Eugenia aromatica, seeds of Piper guineense, and leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and their combination with Silico-sec. In one experiment, 0.4g of each plant material was added to 20 C. maculatus adults (10 couples, aged 1-2 days) in 20g of Ife Brown cowpea seeds, all contained within an air-tight plastic container. Another experiment involved the addition of 0.4g mixtures of Silico-sec and each plant powder (E. aromatica, P. guineense, and N. tabacum) in various ratios (1:5, 5:1, 1:10, 10:1, and 1:1) to the same number of C. maculatus adults in 20g of cowpea seeds, also in separate air-tight plastic containers. All the treatments and their combination were laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) repeated three times. Data were collected at 12, 24, and 48 at p,0hours post-treatment. Oviposition, adult emergence, and seed weight loss were evaluated. The results demonstrated that both the plant powders and Silico-sec were effective in controlling C. maculatus infestation on cowpea by causing significant adult mortality at p&lt; 0.05, reducing oviposition, suppressing F1 adult emergence, and minimizing seed damage. Among single applications, Silico-sec and E. aromatica powder provided the best protection for stored cowpea, yielding the highest adult mortality, lowest oviposition, most suppressed F1 adult emergence, and minimal seed damage. However, the mixture of Silico-sec and P. guineense at ratios of 5:1 and 10:1 offered the best protection, exhibiting significantly higher mortality, lower oviposition rates, suppressed F1 adult emergence, and reduced seed damage compared to other treatments. This study suggests that combination of P. guineense and Silico-sec is particularly effective in controlling cowpea storage pests and could serve as a viable alternative to synthetic insecticides for protecting stored cowpea against C. maculatus.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON THE USE OF AGRO-CHEMICALS BY ARABLE CROPS FARMERS IN ADAMAWA STATE, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T17:03:35+01:00 Nwunuji, J. A. Ndaghu, A. A. Tafida, A. A. <p>The study was carried out in Adamawa State to sources of information on the use of agro-chemicals by arable crops farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Primary data was used for the study and the data was collected via the use of a well-structured questionnaire. Multi-stage and random sampling techniques were used to sample 365 respondents from the four ADP Zones in the state. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, percentage and a 3 type rating scale were used. The result of this study established that majority (40%) of the respondents were within the age of 30-40 years, male respondents accounted for 56.4%, 33.4% had secondary education and 66% has no contact with extension workers while 60% of the respondents were not members of any cooperative association. Majority (74.8%) of the respondents sourced information on the use of agro-chemicals from fellow farmers. The study concluded that informal networks and personal relationships play a crucial role in the dissemination of information on agro-chemicals among farmers. The following recommendations were proffered; extension Services should be improved; &nbsp;use of digital platforms such as mobile apps and social media, ensuring&nbsp; that labels are clear, comprehensive and easy to understand can help increase their utility as a reliable source of information.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development IMPACT OF ANCHOR BORROWER’S PROGRAMME ON LIVELIHOOD OF SMALLHOLDER RICE FARMERS IN KANO STATE, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T16:56:07+01:00 Gwadabe, M. Saddiq, M. N. Yusuf, H. O. Oladimeji, Y. U. <p>The study was carried out to assess the impact of anchor borrower’s program on livelihood of smallholders’ rice farmers in Kano Sate, Nigeria. A&nbsp; Multi-stage sampling technique was employed to 303 beneficiaries and 303 non- beneficiaries. Data were analysed using propensity score matching. The result of Stratified matching shows participants in the ABP experienced significant (p&lt;0.001) increase in their asset of about N 60,347.885 than the non-participants. However, participants in the ABPs experienced insignificant increase in income of about N 93,361.638 than the non-participants. The result of Kernels matching shows that participants in the ABP scheme experienced insignificant decrease in output of about -4.516 (kg/bags) than the non-participants. It was concluded that, ABP have no significant impact on the yield and income of participating rice farmers in the areas. It was recommended that the project should be reviewed by government and come up with a certain policy which will necessitate proper implementation and its sustainability.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development FACTORS INFLUENCING UTILIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES TRANSFER AMONG PARTICIPANTS OF ADOPTED VILLAGE EXTENSION PROJECT IN KADUNA AND NIGER STATE, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T16:50:27+01:00 Muhammed, Y. Adejoh, S. O. Arowolo, K. O. Jibrin, S. <p>The study assessed the factors influencing utilization of agricultural technologies transfer among participants of Adopted Village Extension Project (AVEP) in Kaduna and Niger State, Nigeria. A Multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to select 246 participants of AVEP for the study comprising of 131 and 115 participants from Kaduna and Niger States, respectively. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire complemented with an interview schedule. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Technology Adoption Index (TAI) and Tobit regression analysis. The results reveal that the mean age of the participants in Kaduna and Niger States were 38 and 31 years, with a mean household size of 7 and 5 people, and mean farming experience of 14 and 10 years, respectively. The various agricultural technologies transferred to participants in Kaduna State among crop production were storage techniques (83.5%), improved seeds (80.0%) and weed management techniques (78.3%) ranked 1<sup>st</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> respectively, while participants in Niger State indicated improved seed (90.1%), weed management techniques (83.2%) and planting techniques (78.6%) ranked 1<sup>st</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> respectively. More so, among the livestock production technologies transferred to participants in Kaduna State were improved animal breeds (8706%), hybrid broilers (80.0%) and improved feed formulation (80.0%) ranked 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup>, respectively, while participants in Niger State indicated improved animal breeds (92.4%), hybrid broilers (82.4%) and hybrid layers (74.1%) ranked 1<sup>st</sup>, 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup>, respectively. Respondents’ age (-2.05; p&lt;0.05), education (1.76; p&lt;0.10), awareness of technology (2.16; p&lt;0.05), compatibility (4.35; p&lt;0.01), relative advantage (1.98; p&lt;0.10) and cost (-3.22; p&lt;0.01) influences participants’ utilization of agricultural technologies transferred through AVEP in Kaduna State, while age (-2.41; p&lt;0.05), education (2.02; p&lt;0.05), farm size (2.54; P&lt;0.01), awareness of technology (2.09; p&lt;0.05), compatibility (3.12; p&lt;0.01), relative advantage (1.74; p&lt;0.10) and cost (-2.97; p&lt;0.01) influences participants’ utilization of agricultural technologies transferred through AVEP in Niger State. The study concluded that socio-economic and institutional factors highlighted above significantly influences utilization of agricultural technologies by the respondents in the study area. It was therefore recommended that, for efficient transfer of agricultural technologies, there is need for increased sensitization by the research institutes on relative advantages of technologies adoption and utilization for greater output and income.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development IMPACT OF NITROGEN SOURCES ON THE PERFOMANCE OF LOWLAND RAINFED RICE AT EDOZHIGI IN THE SOUTHERN GUINEA SAVANNA OF NIGERIA 2024-10-19T16:45:55+01:00 Mamman, I. B. Adeboye, M. K. A. Osunde, A. O. Tolorunse K. D. <p>Field trials were conducted at Edozhigi, in the southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria during the 2020 and 2021 cropping seasons to determine the response of lowland rainfed rice to two Nitrogen sources (urea super granule (USG) and granular urea (GU)). There treatments consisted of five levels of USG (80, 90, 100, 110, 120 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>) and six levels of GU (40, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>) and a control (0). The 12 treatments were laid out in a randomised complete block (RCBD) with three replicates. Result of the physical and chemical analysis of soil of the experimental field revealed that, soil had sandy clay loam texture with slightly acidic soil reaction. The soil organic carbon, total N, available P, exchangeable cataionic nutrients were all low in the soil which make the soil to have low fertility. Result of the study indicated that, plant growth and maturity period were not significantly affected by the application of N. The result further shows a significant response to application of USG, but not to GU. The highest paddy yield of 4.53 Mg ha<sup>-1</sup> was recorded for USG at 90 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> which was significantly higher than that of the control and the GU treatments, but statistically similar to most of the other USG treatments. The USG is recommended as a source of N for the enhancement of the paddy yield.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS OF RICE MILLING AND MARKETING IN BAUCHI STATE, NIGERIA 2024-10-19T16:40:55+01:00 Gaya, H. I. M. Zongoma, B. Solomon, P. J. Hassan, B. K. <p>The study analysed the profitability of rice milling and marketing in Bauchi State, Nigeria.&nbsp; Multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the selection of respondents. The respondents comprised rice processors (millers) and marketers. Data were collected using questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics, farm budgeting techniques and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that majority (87.5%) of the millers and all (100%) of marketers were male and married with a mean age of 39 and 44 years respectively. However, 43.8% of the millers and 40% of the marketers had a family size of between 6-10 people per household with majority (62.5%) of the millers having tertiary education.&nbsp; The analysis also shows that half (50%) and more than half (53%) of the millers and marketers had a marketing and milling experience of between 11-20 years. The result of the budgeting model revealed that millers had a net income of N714 per bag with a return per naira of N1.46 and marketers had a net income of N1, 672 per bag with a return per naira of N 0.12. The results of the regression analysis revealed that years of milling experience and education level were the factors influencing rice milling while household size and membership of association were significant factors influencing rice marketers’ income. However, high cost of diesel (96.7%) and transportation cost (95%) were the major constraints faced by the millers and marketers in the study area. The study concluded that, milling and marketing of rice is a profitable ventures in the study area. It is therefore, recommended that government together with stakeholders should provide adequate infrastructure and introduce favorable policies to strengthen the rice value chain in the study area.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ICRISAT IK00007 MULTI CROP THRESHER 2024-10-19T16:31:51+01:00 Dangora, N. D. Muhammad, M. Matori, A. S. Ajeigbe, A. H. <p>The study evaluated the performance of the multi-crop motorized stationary thresher acquired by the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Nigeria. The performance indices used were threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, output capacity, scatter loss and breakages. The independent variables used were the concave cylinder speed, revolution per minute (rpm) and feed rate, kg/min. The work was conducted using a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using GENSTAT 17.1version statistical software and least significant difference (LSD) was adopted in separating the means. The mean performance values of IK00007 machine&nbsp; for sorghum crop ranges from 102.71 – 157.33 kg/h, 72.36 – 93.30 % , 64.52 – 79.49 %, 17.33 – 27.80 %, and 0.12 – 0.67 %; for millet crop it ranges from 34.10 – 78.12 kg/h, 57.77 – 92.07 % , 41.76 – 64.55 %, 13.35 – 27.99 %, and 0.23 – 0.38 %; while for maize crop it ranges from 298.23 – 580.00 kg/h, 70.26 – 100.00 %, 61.20 – 91.60%, 22.74 – 43.06 %, and 0.70 – 1.27 % for output capacity, threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, scatter loss, and breakages, respectively. Machine IK00007 can be best used in threshing maize at a combination of feed rate of 40 kg/min and a speed of 950 rpm. With this, the mean values for output capacity, threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, scatter loss and grain breakages are 580.60 kg/h, 100.00%, 86.22%, 39.43% and 1.06% respectively. The best combination for threshing of sorghum with the machine (IK00007) is at the feed rate of 12 kg/min and a speed of 950 rpm. With this, the mean values for output capacity, threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, scatter loss and grain breakages are 157.33 kg/h, 86.20%, 76.07%, 22.39% and 0.47%, respectively. The best combination for threshing of millet with the machine (IK00007) is at the feed rate of 8 kg/min and a speed of 950 rpm. With this, the mean values for output capacity, threshing efficiency, cleaning efficiency, scatter loss and grain breakages are 78.12 kg/h, 77.68%, 56.20%, 25.04% and 0.27% respectively. The mean annual operational cost for IK00007 machine was found to be N 118,936.3, N 116,637.4 and N 117,313.9 for the threshing of sorghum, millet and maize respectively. It is concluded that all independent factors have significant effects on the dependent performance indices. Specifications for the combination of operational machine parameters to give best performance have been obtained. The assessment of the operational cost of the thresher was conducted.</p> 2024-09-29T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development